Tuesday, August 25, 2020

If We Are Going To DO This, We Are Going To Do This Right - 08-25-2020


Sushi at 13?

Bachelor Nation Update. 

Big Brother All Stars Update!

California Wild Fires and How to Help. 

This and so much more!

Our sponsor - https://naturesbestcbd.com/about-us/

Thank you so much for listening and share us with your friends.

Here are the places where you can find Two Girls and a Bottle of Wine:
Find us on Spotify and TuneIn and....
Podbean - http://twogirlsandabottleofwine.podbean.com/
Spreaker - http://www.spreaker.com/show/two_girls_and_a_bottle_of_wine
iHeartRadio - http://www.iheart.com/show/Two-Girls-And-A-Bottle-Of-Wine/
iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/two-girls-and-a-bottle-of-wine/id654819145?mt=2
Stitcher - http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=35111
Tumblr - http://2girlsandwine.tumblr.com

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Could There Be Three Bachelorettes?! August 11, 2020


Italy starting up wine windows!  And we want them here!

Royal book news and controversy - oh my!

AirBNB the last Blockbuster - sign us up!

What is Happening - Bachelorette?!

More Bachelor Nation news!

Big Brother - All Stars for Season 22 - Summer finally feels like it's here!

This and so much more!

Our sponsor - https://naturesbestcbd.com/about-us/

Thank you so much for listening and share us with your friends.

Here are the places where you can find Two Girls and a Bottle of Wine:
Find us on Spotify and TuneIn and....
Podbean - http://twogirlsandabottleofwine.podbean.com/
Spreaker - http://www.spreaker.com/show/two_girls_and_a_bottle_of_wine
iHeartRadio - http://www.iheart.com/show/Two-Girls-And-A-Bottle-Of-Wine/
iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/two-girls-and-a-bottle-of-wine/id654819145?mt=2
Stitcher - http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=35111
Tumblr - http://2girlsandwine.tumblr.com