Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kick Cancer in the Hind End - Amber

Amber Brand is back.  She is usually my Bachelor Buddy but she hasn't been able to follow the Bachelor Nick hype.  We catch up on what has been going on with Bachelorland.

We love make-up and we talk about some mistakes that may make women look older when it comes to how we do our makeup.

Amber introduces me to LipSense and shares her supplier -

The new year hasn't started as Amber had expected.  Please see the below that Amber posted yesterday on Facebook:

"On January 6th I was diagnosed with breast cancer and on January 11th we learned it was stage two and what the rest of our year will look like. After meeting with my team of amazing oncologists, we learned that I will be receiving chemotherapy, going through a mastectomy and then also receiving radiation.
Due to my diagnosis and our aggressive approach, Nick and I have also decided to postpone our wedding day and celebration for when my treatment is complete and when we can also celebrate me being cancer free. However, Nick and I did decide to still get married so we could be husband and wife through this journey. On January 19th, we were fortunate enough to have Reegan marry us with Nick and Tad as our witnesses.
As this mug says, I plan on making this cancer my bitch and still have a great 2017 despite the bumpy road we may have in front of us. I have to give a special shout out on this mug as it was created by my favorite Etsy shop owner when I wanted something to show my humor and positive spin on this difficult turn of events. She also helped create the idea of having a motivational quote on the back to keep me fighting every day. Her link is in my comments because she is amazing and I appreciate this mug more than she or anyone else knows.
Over the last few weeks as we have slowly been telling people the news and the outpouring of support has been amazing. We are so extremely fortunate to have such an amazing support group of cheerleaders by both our sides.
We have also created a caring bridge website to help provide more background on how we came to this diagnosis and to also have one place for people who want to keep up on my progress throughout this year since it is hard to update everyone."

The amazing mug and so many other awesome mugs that we talked about on this podcast can be found here -

Follow Amber on her journey by following her Caring Bridge -

She is going to have a long journey but as we cheer her on with prayer and positivity she is going to kick cancer in the ass!!!

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes The Dream Home

Ashley returns with exciting house news.  She is also preparing for a Swimsuit Competition in 2017 and we talk about our beauty must haves.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Twenty Five Years of Love - Beverly 1-11-2017

We are back for 2017.  This week we get to know Beverly and hear all about her 25th wedding anniversary adventures in Hawaii.

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